Monday, October 29, 2007

Edwards, How Sleazy is Hillary?/Thompson, Go to Iraq

John Edwards is giving what his campaign bills as a "major thematic speech" at noon today in New Hampshire. Judging from the excerpts the campaign has passed out in advance, the address will be nothing he hasn't said before. Edwards will bash the Washington political system for being ridden with institutional corruption and perverted by campaign donations from corporate interests. Edwards certainly has a (fundamental) point. But will such a critique help him beat Hillary Clinton (or Barack Obama, who makes a similar case)? Here are some excerpts of the excerpts:

It's time to tell the truth. And, the truth is the system in Washington is corrupt. It is rigged by the powerful special interests to benefit they very few at the expense of the many. And, as a result, the American people have lost faith in our broken system in Washington, and believe it no longer works for ordinary Americans. They're right.

Being called president while powerful interests really run things is not the same as being free to lead this nation as president of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people....

It is not an accident that the government of the United States cannot function on behalf of its people because it is no longer our people's government and we the people know it.

This corruption did not begin yesterday -- and it did not even begin with George Bush “it has been building for decades” until it now threatens literally the life of our democracy....

The long slow slide of our democracy into the corporate abyss continues unabated regardless of party, regardless of the best interests of America. We have a duty -- a duty to end this.

I believe you cannot be for change and take money from the lobbyists who prevent change. You cannot take on the entrenched interests in Washington if you choose to defend the broken system. It will not work. And I believe that, if Americans have a choice, any candidate who takes their money “Democrat or Republican “ will lose this election.

Edwards is obviously talking about Clinton, whose campaign is fueled by lobbyist money and is run by political strategists who also work for corporate clients. (See Mark Penn.) But the question is whether Edwards' attack on the system can serve (in political terms) as an effective attack on Hillary Clinton . There are indeed progressive Democratic voters who see HRC as an establishment-friendly Democrat and harbor suspicions of her. But that meme hasn't yet--as far as I can discern--come to infect the Democratic body politic. It is, I'm afraid to say, a boutique critique of Clinton.

So my hunch is that Edwards will have to be more explicit in tying Clinton to the sleaze of Washington to have any chance with this line of attack. Ditto for Obama. (And I'll get to his new anti-Hillary initiative soon.) So when the full text of Edwards speech is publicly available, here's what to look for: a direct slam on Clinton. If it's not there, Edwards might be spinning his wheels.

MORE ON THOMSPON'S DISTORTED VIEW OF 20-SOMETHINGS IN IRAQ. As I noted several weeks ago, Thompson has a stump speech line about Iraq that is...well, pretty dumb. He likes to say

Every day, our troops in Iraq demonstrate a heroic resolve to win. I wish Democrats in Washington would dedicate as much time and energy to winning as they do on how to surrender the fight. The average 20 year-old serving in Iraq apparently knows more about national security than many of the 20 year-political veterans serving in Congress.

So what does Thompson think when he reads pieces like the The Washington Post front-pager on Saturday that notes that the experience of soldiers in Iraq

has left many of them deeply discouraged, by both the unabated hatred between rival sectarian fighters and the questionable will of the Iraqi government to work toward peaceful solutions.

Asked if the American endeavor here was worth their sacrifice -- 20 soldiers from [his] battalion have been killed in Baghdad -- [Sgt. Victor] Alarcon said no: "I don't think this place is worth another soldier's life."

The article focused on Alarcon's battalion's efforts in Sadiyah, a neighborhood in Baghdad and noted he mission there has been a flop:

American soldiers estimate that since violence intensified this year, half of the families in Sadiyah have fled, leaving approximately 100,000 people. After they left, insurgents and militiamen used their abandoned homes to hold meetings and store weapons. The neighborhood deteriorated so quickly that many residents came to believe neither U.S. nor Iraqi security forces could stop it happening.

The descent of Sadiyah followed a now-familiar pattern in Baghdad. In response to suicide bombings blamed on Sunni insurgent groups such as al-Qaeda in Iraq, the Shiite militias, particularly the Mahdi Army, went from house to house killing and intimidating Sunni families. In many formerly mixed neighborhoods of Baghdad, such as al-Amil and Bayaa, Shiites have become the dominant sect, with their militias the most powerful force.

"It's just a slow, somewhat government-supported sectarian cleansing," said Maj. Eric Timmerman, the battalion's operations officer.

That sure doesn't sound like the progress George W. Bush and David Petraeus hail. According to the Post , the battalion commander, Lt. Col. George Glaze, says that

his soldiers are playing the role of a bouncer caught between brawling customers. Alone, they can restrain the fighters, keep them off balance, but they cannot stop the melee until the house lights come on -- that is, until the Iraqi government steps in.

"They're either going to turn the lights on or we're all going to realize they've moved the switch," he said.

"I'm frustrated. After 14 months, I've got a lot of thoughts in my head. Do they fundamentally get giving up individual rights and power for the greater good?" Glaze said. "I'm going to leave here being skeptical of everything."

And the piece ends:

The American people don't fully realize what's going on, said Staff Sgt. Richard McClary, 27, a section leader from Buffalo.

"They just know back there what the higher-ups here tell them. But the higher-ups don't go anywhere, and actually they only go to the safe places, places with a little bit of gunfire," he said. "They don't ever [expletive] see what we see on the ground."

So it seems to me that Thompson ought to get his backside over to Iraq and spend two weeks with the 20-something soldiers of 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division, before he says anything else about this war.

Posted by David Corn at October 29, 2007 09:45 AM


capt said...

Remarks by Senator John Edwards

St. Anselm's College, Manchester, New Hamphshire
October 29, 2007

Many of you know that I am the son of a mill worker -- that I rose from modest means and have been blessed in so many ways in life. Elizabeth and I have so much to be grateful for.

And all of you know about some of the challenges we have faced in my family. But there came a time, a few months ago, when Elizabeth and I had to decide, in the quiet of a hospital room, after many hours of tests and getting pretty bad news -- what we were going to do with our lives.

And we made our decision. That we were not going to go quietly into the night -- that we were going to stand and fight for what we believe in.

As Elizabeth and I have campaigned across America, I've come to a better understanding of what that decision really meant -- and why we made it.

Earlier this year, I spoke at Riverside Church in New York, where, forty years ago, Martin Luther King gave a historic speech. I talked about that speech then, and I want to talk about it today. Dr. King was tormented by the way he had kept silent for two years about the Vietnam War.

He was told that if he spoke out he would hurt the civil rights movement and all that he had worked for -- but he could not take it any more -- instead of decrying the silence of others -- he spoke the truth about himself.

"Over the past two years" he said, "I have moved to break the betrayal of my own silence and speak from the burning of my own heart."

I am not holier than thou. I am not perfect by any means. But there are events in life that you learn from, and which remind you what this is really all about. Maybe I have been freed from the system and the fear that holds back politicians because I have learned there are much more important things in life than winning elections at the cost of selling your soul.

Especially right now, when our country requires so much more of us, and needs to hear the truth from its leaders.

And, although I have spent my entire life taking on the big powerful interests and winning -- which is why I have never taken a dime from Washington lobbyists or political action committees -- I too have been guilty of my own silence -- but no more.

It's time to tell the truth. And the truth is the system in Washington is corrupt. It is rigged by the powerful special interests to benefit they very few at the expense of the many. And as a result, the American people have lost faith in our broken system in Washington, and believe it no longer works for ordinary Americans. They're right.

As I look across the political landscape of both parties today -- what I see are politicians too afraid to tell the truth -- good people caught in a bad system that overwhelms their good intentions and requires them to chase millions of dollars in campaign contributions in order to perpetuate their careers and continue their climb to higher office.

This presidential campaign is a perfect example of how our politics is awash with money. I have raised more money up to this point than any Democratic candidate raised last time in the presidential campaign -- $30 million. And, I did it without taking a dime from any Washington lobbyist or any special interest PAC.

I saw the chase for campaign money at any cost by the frontrunner in this race -- and I did not join it -- because the cost to our nation and our children is not worth the hollow victory of any candidate. Being called president while powerful interests really run things is not the same as being free to lead this nation as president of a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. If protecting the current established structure in Washington is in your interest, then I am not your candidate. I ran for president four years ago -- yes, in part out of personal ambition -- but also with a deep desire to stand for working people like my father and mother -- who no matter how hard things were for our family, always worked even harder to make things better for us.

But the more Elizabeth and I campaigned this year, the more we talked to the American people, the more we met people just like my father, and hard working people like James Lowe. James is a decent and honest man who had to live for 50 years with no voice in the richest country in the world because he didn't have health care. The more people like him that I met, the more I realized something much bigger was stirring in the American people. And it has stirred in each of us for far too long.

Last month Ken Burns -- who made the great Civil War documentary -- launched his newest epic on World War II on PBS -- and what a story it tells.

At the cost of great suffering, blood and enormous sacrifice, within four years after Pearl Harbor it is incredible what this nation achieved. America built the arsenal of democracy worthy of our great history. We launched the greatest invasion armada in the history of warfare against Hitler's fortress Europe, and, with our allies, we freed a continent of suffering humanity.

At the same time on the other side of the globe we crossed 10,000 miles of ocean and liberated another hemisphere of humanity -- islands and nations freed from the grip of Japanese militarists. While at the same time succeeding in the greatest scientific endeavor ever undertaken -- the Manhattan project -- and topped it off with building the Pentagon, one of the largest buildings in the world in a little over a year.

It is incredible what America has accomplished. Because no matter what extraordinary challenges we have been faced with, we did exactly what America has always done in our history -- we rose to the challenge.

And, now, as I travel across America and listen to people, I hear real concern about what's going on. For the first time in our nation's history, people are worried that we're going to be the first generation of Americans not to pass on a better life to our children.

And it's not the fault of the American people. The American people have not changed. The American people are still the strong, courageous people they have always been. The problem is what our government has become. And, it is up to us to do something about it.

Because Washington may not see it, but we are facing a moral crisis as great as any that has ever challenged us. And, it is this test -- this moral test -- that I have come to understand is at the heart of this campaign.

Just look at what has happened in Iraq. What was the response of the American people to the challenge at hand? Our men and women in uniform have been heroes. They've done everything that's been asked of them and more. But what about our government? Four years after invading Iraq, we cannot even keep the lights on in Baghdad.

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, the American people were at their best. They donated their time and their money in record numbers. There was an outpouring of support. I took 700 college kids down to help -- young people who gave up their spring break. But what about our government? Three years after hurricane Katrina thousands of our fellow Americans, our brothers and sisters, are still housed in trailers waiting to go home.

There's no better example of the bravery and goodness of the American people than the response to the attacks of 9/11: firefighters and first responders risking and too often giving their lives to save others, charging up the stairs while everyone else was coming down; record bloodbank donations; and the list goes on. But what about our government? Six years after 9/11, at Ground Zero there sits only a black hole that tortures our conscience and scars our hearts.

In every instance we see an American people who are good, decent, compassionate and undeterred. And, American people who are better than the government that is supposed to serve and represent them.

And what has happened to the American "can do" spirit? I will tell you what has happened: all of this is the result of the bitter poisoned fruit of corruption and the bankruptcy of our political leadership.

It is not an accident that the government of the United States cannot function on behalf of its people, because it is no longer our people's government -- and we the people know it.

This corruption did not begin yesterday -- and it did not even begin with George Bush -- it has been building for decades -- until it now threatens literally the life of our democracy.

While the American people personally rose to the occasion with an enormous outpouring of support and donations to both the victims of Katrina and 9/11 -- we all saw our government's neglect. And we saw greed and incompetence at work. Out of more than 700 contracts valued at $500,000 or greater, at least half were given without full competition or, according to news sources, with vague or open ended terms, and many of these contracts went to companies with deep political connections such as a subsidiary of Haliburton, Bechtel Corp., and AshBritt Inc.

And in Iraq -- while our nation's brave sons and daughters put their lives on the line for our country -- we now have mercenaries under their own law while their bosses sit at home raking in millions.

We have squandered millions on building Olympic size swimming pools and buildings that have never been used. We have weapons and ammunition unaccounted for that may now be being used against our own soldiers. We literally have billions wasted or misspent -- while our troops and their families continue to sacrifice. And the politically connected lobby for more. What's their great sacrifice -- higher profits.

It goes on every minute of every day.

Corporate executives at United Airlines and US Airways receive millions in compensation for taking their companies into bankruptcy, while their employees are forced to take cuts in pay.

Companies like Wal-Mart lobby against inspecting containers entering our nation's ports, even though expert after expert agrees that the likeliest way for a dirty bomb to enter the United States is through a container, because they believe their profits are more important than our safety. What has become of America when America's largest company lobbies against protecting America?

Trade deals cost of millions of jobs. What do we get in return? Millions of dangerous Chinese toys in our children's cribs laden with lead. This is the price we are made to pay when trade agreements are decided based on how much they pad the profits for multinational corporations instead of what is best for America's workers or the safety of America's consumers.

We have even gotten to the point where our children's safety is potentially at risk because nearly half of the apple juice consumed by our children comes from apples grown in China. And Americans are kept in the dark because the corporate lobbyists have pushed back country of origin labeling laws again and again.

This is not the America I believe in.

The hubris of greed knows no bounds. Days after the homeland security bill passed, staffers from the homeland security department resigned and became homeland security consultants trying to cash in. And, where was the outrage? There was none, because that's how it works in Washington now. It is not a Republican revolving door or a Democratic revolving door -- it is just the way it's done.

Someone called it a government reconnaissance mission to figure out how to get rich when you leave the government.

Recently, I was dismayed to see headlines in the Wall Street Journal stating that Senate Democrats were backing down to lobbyists for hedge funds who have opposed efforts to make millionaire and billionaire hedge fund managers pay the same tax rate as every hard-working American. Now, tax loopholes the wealthy hedge fund managers do not need or deserve are not going to be closed, all because Democrats -- our party -- wanted their campaign money.

And a few weeks ago, around the sixth anniversary of 9/11, a leading presidential candidate held a fundraiser that was billed as a Homeland Security themed event in Washington, D.C. targeted to homeland security lobbyists and contractors for $1,000 a plate. These lobbyists, for the price of a ticket, would get a special "treat" -- the opportunity to participate in small, hour long breakout sessions with key Democratic lawmakers, many of whom chair important sub committees of the homeland security committee. That presidential candidate was Senator Clinton.

Senator Clinton's road to the middle class takes a major detour right through the deep canyon of corporate lobbyists and the hidden bidding of K Street in Washington -- and history tells us that when that bus stops there it is the middle class that loses.

When I asked Hillary Clinton to join me in not taking money from Washington lobbyists -- she refused. Not only did she say that she would continue to take their money, she defended them.

Today Hillary Clinton has taken more money from Washington lobbyists than any candidate from either party -- more money than any Republican candidate.

She has taken more money from the defense industry than any other candidate from either party as well.

She took more money from Wall Street last quarter than Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and Barack Obama combined.

The long slow slide of our democracy into the corporate abyss continues unabated regardless of party, regardless of the best interests of America.

We have a duty -- a duty to end this.

I believe you cannot be for change and take money from the lobbyists who prevent change. You cannot take on the entrenched interests in Washington if you choose to defend the broken system. It will not work. And I believe that, if Americans have a choice, and candidate who takes their money -- Democrat or Republican -- will lose this election.

For us to continue down this path all we have to do is suspend all that we believe in. As Democrats, we continue down this path only if we believe the party of the people is no more.

As Americans, we continue down this path only if we fail to heed Lincoln's warning to us all.

"At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected," he asked, "if it ever reaches us it must spring up amongst us. It can not come from abroad. If destruction be our lot -- we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we must live through all time or die by suicide."

America lives because 20 generations have honored the one moral commandment that makes us Americans.

To give our children a better future than we received.

I stand here today the son of Wallace and Bobbie Edwards. The father of Wade, Cate, Emma Claire and Jack -- and I know, as well as you, that we must not be the first generation that fails to live up to our moral challenge and keep the promise of America.

That would be an abomination.

There is a dream that is America. It is what makes us American. And I will not stand by while that dream is at risk.

I am not perfect -- far from it -- but I do understand that this is not a political issue -- it is the moral test of our generation.

Our nation's founders knew that this moment would come -- that at some point the power of greed and its influence over officials in our government might strain and threaten the very America they hoped would last as an ideal in the minds of all people, and as a beacon of hope for all time.

That is why they made the people sovereign. And this is why it is your responsibility to redeem the promise of America for our children and their future.

It will not be easy -- sacrifice will be required of us -- but it was never easy for our ancestors, and their sacrifices were far greater than any that will fall on our shoulders.

Yet, the responsibility is ours.

We, you and I, are the guardians of what America is and what it will be.

The choice is ours.

Down one path, we trade corporate Democrats for corporate Republicans; our cronies for their cronies; one political dynasty for another dynasty; and all we are left with is a Democratic version of the Republican corruption machine.

It is the easier path. It is the path of the status quo. But, it is a path that perpetuates a corrupt system that has not only failed to deliver the change the American people demand, but has divided America into two -- one America for the very greedy, and one America for everybody else.

And it is that divided America -- the direct result of this corrupt system -- which may very well lead to the suicide Lincoln warned us of -- the poison that continues to seep into our system while none notice.

Or we can choose a different path. The path that generations of Americans command us to take. And be the guardians that kept the faith.

I run for president for my father who worked in a mill his entire life and never got to go to college the way I did.

I run for president for all those who worked in that mill with my father.

I run for president for all those who lost their jobs when that mil was shut down.

I run for president for all the women who have come up to Elizabeth and me and told us the like Elizabeth they had breast cancer -- but unlike Elizabeth they did not have health care.

I run for president for twenty generations of Americans who made sure that their children had a better life than they did.

As Americans we are blessed -- for our ancestors are not dead, they occupy the corridors of our conscience. And, as long we keep the faith -- they live. And so too the America of idealism and hope that was their gift to us.

I carry the promise of America in my heart, where my parents placed it. Like them, like you, I believe in people, hard work, and the sacred obligation of each generation to the next.

This is our time now. It falls to us to redeem our democracy, reclaim our government and relight the promise of America for our children.

Let us blaze a new path together, grounded in the values from which America was forged, still reaching toward the greatness of our ideals. We can do it. We can cast aside the bankrupt ways of Washington and replace them with the timeless values of the American people. We can liberate our government from the shackles of corporate money that bind it to corporate will, and restore the voices of our people to its halls.

This is the cause of my life. This is the cause of our time. Join me. Together, we cannot fail.

We will keep faith with those who have gone before us, strong and proud in the knowledge that we too rose up to guard the promise of America in our day, and that, because we did, America's best days still lie ahead.

capt said...

"When I asked Hillary Clinton to join me in not taking money from Washington lobbyists -- she refused. Not only did she say that she would continue to take their money, she defended them.

Today Hillary Clinton has taken more money from Washington lobbyists than any candidate from either party -- more money than any Republican candidate.

She has taken more money from the defense industry than any other candidate from either party as well.

She took more money from Wall Street last quarter than Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, and Barack Obama combined.

The long slow slide of our democracy into the corporate abyss continues unabated regardless of party, regardless of the best interests of America.

We have a duty -- a duty to end this.


Any questions?

David B. Benson said...

Bizarre tree re-growth:

As temperatures rise, a greening of Greenland

capt said...

How Government Snoops Get a Direct Line to Consumer Data

FEMA Admits It Held Fake Press Conference about California Wildfires; FEMA Staffers Posed as Journalists

US to vote on easing media ownership rules


It doesn't take much to convince me the future of "media" is just going to get worse.

Connect the dots between the above.

David B. Benson said...

Tke some eye ointment and head for the woods:

Frog killer fungus 'breakthough'

Save some frogs!

capt said...

Global Warming Good for Greenland?

James Owenfor National Geographic News

October 17, 2007

For some in Greenland these days, the grass is looking greener.

Rapid thawing brought on by global warming on the world's largest island has opened up new opportunities for agriculture, commercial fishing, mining, and oil exploration. The island's native people, though, may not be on the "winning" side of warming.

(Get the basics on global warming.)

Scientists now report Arctic temperatures are rising almost twice as fast as elsewhere in the world. (Related news: "Greenland Ice Sheet Is Melting Faster, Study Says" [August 10, 2006].)

A new WWF Denmark report released last week studied the effects of climate change on the people of Greenland, which is a self-governing territory of Denmark.

"The warmer climate will have a definite positive effect on Greenland's economic possibilities and development," the report said.

(See a photo gallery of warming's effects on Greenland.)

Positive Effects

In southwestern Greenland, for example, the grass-growing season gets longer each year, boosting productivity for some 60 sheep farms now established in the region. Up to 23,500 sheep and lambs are slaughtered annually.

Dairy cattle have recently been reintroduced, and a government-led project is expected to yield 29,058 gallons (110,000 liters) of milk annually, according to the new report.

Locally grown potatoes have appeared in supermarkets, alongside broccoli and other vegetables never before cultivated in Greenland.

Commercial fishermen are anticipating bumper cod catches after the fish recently moved north into Greenland's waters. Halibut are also increasing in size.

The cod there at the moment are still small ... so they haven't really become a commercial opportunity yet," said Anne-Marie Bjerg, Arctic conservation officer for WWF Denmark.
"But they will undoubtedly [grow in size and commercial importance], particularly if the cod stocks are properly managed," she said.

Full Sovereignty?

Greenland's melting ice cap has triggered a rush for diamonds, gold, and other metals as mining companies prospect previously covered mineral-rich rocks.

Oil companies have negotiated rights to explore for oil and natural gas along the Greenlandic coastline. The island may also be swept up in the scramble to claim the Arctic seafloor and its oil wealth.

Potential new revenues from oil, mining, and cheap hydroelectricity supplied by abundant meltwater could soon make independence from Denmark affordable for Greenland, which is heavily dependent on the European country for funding.

The report added Greenland's progress "towards a sustainable economy with the possibility of full sovereignty" may come much sooner than previously thought.

Threats to Native Culture

Yet for Inuit subsistence hunters, global warming promises no silver lining.

In northern Greenland traditional Inuit culture is increasingly under threat from global warming, said Lene Kielsen Holm, sustainable development advisor for the Greenland arm of the Inuit Circumpolar Council in Nuuk.

The sea ice that Inuit use to hunt seals, walruses, and other animals is not staying as long as in previous years.

"The warming of the ocean is making the ice so thin that people living from hunting are not able to follow the routes that they used to," Holm said. "They are seeing more and more accidents."

In the Qaanaaq region of northwestern Greenland this year, hunters lost their gear and sled dogs as abrupt storms broke up the thin sea ice, Holm said.

"If they can't go hunting, they can't feed their dogs," she added.

Holm also cautioned that native Greenlanders could become marginalized under an economic boom.

With a population of only 57,000, Greenland doesn't have the infrastructure needed by multinational oil and mining companies, which could soon start operating on the island, she said. (Related news: "U.S. Coal-Burning Boom Drastically Warmed Arctic" [August 9, 2007].)

"Foreigners would have to be invited to come here, and maybe in the near future we could be in the situation of being the minority in our own country."

Wildlife Woes

Global warming's impact on sea ice and ocean currents are also altering the distribution of animals that the Inuit hunt, Holm said.

Ringed seals-which depend on summer sea ice for breeding and were once common throughout Greenland-are moving farther north.

For Greenland's wildlife, like its people, climate warming may be a mixed blessing.

A study published this summer in the journal Current Biology showed that the wildlife of Greenland's high Arctic are capitalizing on warmer conditions, starting their summer activities up to a month earlier than a decade ago.

The average dates for plants flowering, insects emerging, and bird eggs hatching have advanced by 145 days, according to research from Denmark's National Environment Research Institute at the University of Aarhus.

And the WWF report says Greenland's symbolic polar bear is being forced to narrow its range in response to climate change.

"Within the next 50 years," the report said, "the polar bear will probably only be found in the very northwest corner of Greenland."

capt said...


""You don't usually expect antibiotics to do anything to fungi at all. And it does. We don't understand why it does, but it does," said Russell Poulter."


We might end up with a new antibiotic resistant strain of _________.

I wish they knew why and how it works.

(I know keep wishing)


capt said...

Doctors group calls for universal autism screening

CHICAGO (Reuters) - All U.S. children should be formally screened for autism twice by the age of 2, the nation's top pediatrician group recommended on Monday.

The new guidelines issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics focus on early intervention, which can improve a child's chances for effective treatment.

"If you recognize it earlier, you get them into treatment earlier," said Dr. Scott Myers, a pediatrician who specializes in neurodevelopment and who helped write two clinical reports designed to help pediatricians identify and manage autism.

"Kids who start (treatment) earlier do better in the long run," Myers said in a telephone interview.

The guidelines for the first time call for universal screening of babies at the regular 18- and 24-month check-ups, regardless of whether there are warning signs. They will be published in the journal Pediatrics and on the group's Web site at


*****end of clip*****

universal autism screening

Universal vaccinations - why not just universal healthcare coverage for all children?

As long as we are spending money we do not have and we are shifting the debt burden to those kids - I think it is the least we can do.


capt said...

"No man is justified in doing evil on the ground of expediency.": - Theodore Roosevelt: (1858-1919) 26th US President

"Do not expect justice where might is right.": - Plato (429-347 BC) - Source: Phaedrus, 360 B.C.

"A truth that's told with bad intent, beats all the lies you can invent.": - William Blake : (1757-1827) English poet, painter, engraver

"When it comes to freedom, we are but prisoners of our own desires.": - Eric Schaub - Individualist, activist, speaker, writer

"It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.": - Voltaire - [François Marie Arouet] (1694-1778)


Thanks ICH Newsletter!

capt said...

FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds: 'I Will Tell All, & Name (new) Names'

Former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds has promised to tell us everything she knows about treason at the highest level of the US government - with one proviso:

"Here's my promise to the American Public: If anyone of the major networks --- ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX --- promise to air the entire segment, without editing, I promise to tell them everything that I know."

Edmonds, "the most gagged person in the history of the United States of America," has been trying to expose criminal activity, treason, at the highest levels of the US Government - Congress, Pentagon and State Dept - since she became aware of the crimes in 2001 and 2002.

Edmonds has exhausted every conceivable channel in the courts, Congress, and elsewhere, and is now willing to risk criminal charges to ensure that the American people learn how their government really 'works.'

BradBlog has the exclusive.


*****end of clip*****

Bradblog has a long wait or is crashed.

This is good news for the truth. The question is - will it matter?


capt said...

BradBlog Story on Sibel Edmunds

Hajji said...


"We might end up with a new antibiotic resistant strain of _________.

I wish they knew why and how it works.

(I know keep wishing)..."

Aspergillus is the first thing that comes to mind.

Aspergillosis is already a threat to those with decreased immuno systems.

Something like this can endanger animal and human food chains as well.

Fungal infections in humans and animals are already a tough thing to treat.


Hajji said...

Regardind HRC and Droopy Thompson, I'm already thinking about the question, "What candidate will be best equipped to handle a POST-IRAN INVASION AmurKKA?"

Cause it's lookin' more and more like that's the tune the drum-beaters are playing!


capt said...

New Thread