Friday, June 1, 2007

Out Fishin'

Working on two stories today: one involves mobsters, murder, and a politician; the other concerns a presidential candidate and a piece of his/her past. Will be back soon.

Posted by David Corn at June 1, 2007 10:37 AM


Gerald said...

For the lovers of the rapture and end times they sing, "Oh Happy Days" upon reading this article.

In my email from Don Williams I can share this article with friends.

A hard rain's already falling

by Don Williams

If ever a man's been 10,000 miles in the mouth of graveyard, Dr. Doug Rokke has, for when you really look into Depleted Uranium, as he has, time and space open wide to reveal tombstones of future generations.

To hear Rokke (Rocky) tell it, he's lost friends, colleagues and portions of his own corpus to Depleted Uranium (DU to those in the field). He's been shot at, run off the road, and had his good name smeared in the press. As an Army expert on DU deployment during and following the first Gulf War, he stopped cooperating with Army DU policy when he realized not all its victims were designated enemies, and that his own government was in denial about this reality. Rokke says most American casualties in the First Gulf War were the result of friendly fire involving DU weapons.

The U.S. Government and others challenge much of Rokke's testimony, but he's won enough medals and offered enough evidence to convince many that, far from proactively tending to needs of ailing veterans, the Department of Defense has long tried to cover up bad effects of DU. It's also tried covering up its own refusal to follow Rokke's recommendations that all war veterans be screened for cancer, skin rashes, neurological problems, respiratory and other ailments.

Rokke believes excruciating deaths from DU could follow in our wake for thousands of years, though prophecy may be trickier for a military and technical man than for, say, Bob Dylan, who sang "It's a hard rain's a-gonna fall" during the Cuban missile crisis. Forty-five years later those words never seemed so prescient. The rain started falling years ago in a radioactive drizzle.

You would've never known it Saturday morning, May 19, standing on the emerald campus of East Tennessee State University in Johnson City, aglow with trees backlit by neon sunshine. Yet inside the conference hall you could almost feel low-grade radiation bearing down as Rokke paced a wooden stage bristling with projectors, screens, computers and other tools peculiar to modern prognosticators of doom.

Rokke was one of several speakers at the Conference on Depleted Uranium Production in Appalachia. About 50 or so showed up for the all-day event, including several from Christian Peacemakers Team, an international activist organization. I'd been reading and hearing about DU for years from email buddies living in Hawaii and San Francisco, near DU testing grounds. I owed it to myself to meet some of the central players in the anti-DU crusade, if only because we in East Tennessee are culpable.

Oak Ridge has provided much of the DU that's wound up in hardened shells like the ones used by us and allies on Iraq, Bosnia, Serbia, Lebanon and Afghanistan, according to Rokke. Many of those munitions were built at the Aerojet Ordnance Tennessee, a plant at nearby Jonesborough, a topic of some prominence at the conference.

Depleted Uranium is a byproduct of enriching naturally occurring uranium and also a product of spent reactor fuel. Weapons manufacturers love it because it's tough, heavy, plentiful, and readily bursts into flame at high temperatures, like that attendant on firing it from the bore of a Bradley Fighting Machine. Aerojet and others make a variety of bullets, shells, tanks and bunker-busting bombs from DU. Rokke rolls out the catalogue almost in a single breath. They include munitions for rifles, machine guns, bunker buster bombs, cluster bombs, cruise missiles.

Rokke's a brassy, gregarious man who speaks with the certitude of a prophet. His rapid-fire incantations ring in your mind in words like these:

"So we looked at this stuff and looked at this stuff and looked at what happened to all of us, from Gulf War I and since. I looked at the medical reports of when Israel used DU in Sinai in '74 and '76 and then all of a sudden everything came together. It's a mess, an absolute total mess." Or when he says….

"There is no effective medical care for the exposures of what you're seeing. Once you get hit by one of these things you turn into a crispy critter, lock, stock and barrel. Note the impact. That's uranium dust and it goes and it goes and it goes and it goes…." It's elemental. Fire releases it to the wind, the earth, the water.

Following him onstage was Cathy Garger, a social worker who taught herself journalism in order to get her message out about the psychological traumas she'd witnessed. Then came Dr. Mohammed Miraki, whose book, Afghanistan After Democracy exposes the failure of the American experiment in that country. It includes pictures he took of babies with internal organs growing on the outside, others with bulges that look like mal-formed second heads. Still others resemble frogs or lizards, with bulging eyes and lipless mouths. It's hard not to turn away. It's hard not to look. Yes, I contradict myself. It's hard to talk about. You can spend all day at a conference like the one held that sunny Saturday and come away ill equipped to discuss what you've seen.

For one thing, it's demoralizing. The half-life of portions of DU happens to be 4.5 billion years, about as long a time as the earth's been in existence. It will remain radioactive for as long as the earth's likely to circle the sun.

Yes, it's so low-level that DU is being sold as a boon to humankind. According to DU mongers, it could never cause cancer. It's so benign it comes recommended as counterweights in domestic aircraft and to make super duper golf clubs, car bumpers and more. But that's before it's atomized and churned up again and again in test ranges and battlefields, to blow about the planet and be inhaled, exhaled.

DU technology is hard to grasp, because it's both rocket science and nuclear science, and most of what you hear about its effects amounts to circumstantial evidence. For example, one hears from a variety of sources that cancer deaths are up in Baghdad 500 to 600 percent since 1991. And that birth defects and miscarriages are on the rise in Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere. That Americans who served in the first Gulf War have a higher incidence of cancer, neurological disorders, deformed children and other ailments than veterans of any other American war.

While such statistics are well documented, the case against DU is circumstantial by its very nature. After all, say proponents, maybe burning oil wells, smashed munitions, chemical warfare and poor healthcare are to blame for the increased ailments that occur wherever DU rains down. Maybe it's just a coincidence.

But what if it's true? What if all the circumstantial evidence points to real harm? Then the hard rain that's fallen in Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Kuwait and anywhere else DU gets vaporized by warfare or preparations for war will persist to the end of time.

In the words of the poet, "I saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping."

He might've added: "I saw a man carve there, Made in Tennessee."

Gerald said...

To all Nazi Americans the end is near!!!

Gerald said...

Was this conference on national television? No, it was not!!!

I cannot speak for God but I suspect that He is not happy with Nazi America and her evil, vile, and wicked ways.

Following him onstage was Cathy Garger, a social worker who taught herself journalism in order to get her message out about the psychological traumas she'd witnessed. Then came Dr. Mohammed Miraki, whose book, Afghanistan After Democracy exposes the failure of the American experiment in that country. It includes pictures he took of babies with internal organs growing on the outside, others with bulges that look like mal-formed second heads. Still others resemble frogs or lizards, with bulging eyes and lipless mouths. It's hard not to turn away. It's hard not to look. Yes, I contradict myself. It's hard to talk about. You can spend all day at a conference like the one held that sunny Saturday and come away ill equipped to discuss what you've seen.

Gerald said...

Let's hear those Nazi Americans sing, "Oh Happy Days!"

Gerald said...

Nazi America, one day you're gonna wake up and it will be too late

Gerald said...

Nazi America is synonymous with death and destruction.

Gerald said...

I hope the security moms and soccer moms will read Don Williams' article, "A hard rain's already falling."

Gerald said...

I suspect the way the Tennesseans voted in 2000 they've been drinking that "hard rain" for sometime.

Gerald said...

Life Is More Important Than Money

Gerald said...

Interviewing Gore

capt said...

Learn About Depleted Uranium From The US Army's Expert on Depleted Uranium (DU) :Nuclear Holocaust and The Politics of Radiation


In 1993, a directive was sent to the U.S. Department of Energy Affairs, the Department of Defense that makes Joseph Mengele looked like Captain Kangaroo. For those of you who don't know, in world history, Joseph Mengele was the Nazi death camp doctor. In this written directive, in March 1993, the United States Department of Defense told the doctors of the VA and the Department of Defense to leave uranium shrapnel and contamination within the soldiers that received it during Gulf War I. The purpose was, direct quote ladies and gentlemen, "Quantification and documentation of radiological heavy metal toxicity and radiological cancer and tissue necrosis risks of embedded uranium fragments by:

1.Measuring and documenting uranium levels in each soldier by using in vivo and in vitro techniques.

2.Determine the parameters and models needed to translate uranium levels into the body into estimates of increased cancer risk from exposure.

3.Comparing the clinical course of the body's response to uranium fragments with that of other nonuranium fragments to determine whether clinically significant differences exist, due to either chemical or radiological properties of depleted uranium and;

4.Determine the risk of chronic kidney toxicity due to the long-term chronic exposure to elevated levels of uranium.

In the history of mankind, the deliberate order to leave radiological and toxic materials in American soldiers for testing will go down in history—beyond comprehension—as a crime against God and humanity. [Holding up piece of paper] It's right here.


*****end of clip*****

DU is a heavy metal very dense but soft like lead. Poison that will haunt the planet for many thousands of years.


Gerald said...

As you read, "Interviewing Gore," you will come across the name, Reinhold Niebuhr. Finish reading the article and than click on Reinhold Niebuhr and read a somewhat lenght article. It is a good read.

Gerald said...

capt, all I can say is that I came in at the right time and I will be leaving at the right time.

Will Nazi Americans look differently in the future? Will they continue to look like human beings or more like lizards from the cause of DU?

Nazi America has failed to be righteous stewards of our planet and its environment.

capt said...

Depleted Uranium - Far Worse Than 9/11


Doug Rokke, U.S. Army contractor who headed a clean-up of depleted uranium after the first Gulf War states:,

"Depleted uranium is a crime against God and humanity."

Rokke's own crew, a hundred employees, was devastated by exposure to the fine dust. He stated:

"When we went to the Gulf, we were all really healthy,"

After performing clean-up operations in the desert (mistakenly without protective gear), 30 members of his staff died, and most others"including Rokke himself"developed serious health problems. Rokke now has reactive airway disease, neurological damage, cataracts, and kidney problems.

"We warned the Department of Defense in 1991 after the Gulf War. Their arrogance is beyond comprehension.

Yet the D.O.D still insists such ingestion is "not sufficient to make troops seriously ill in most cases."

Then why did it make the clean up crew seriously or terminally ill in nearly all cases?


Gerald said...

Posters, please take some time to reflect on what awaits Nazi America regarding pain and suffering from her rulers' evil policies, practices, and ways.

The pain and suffering will be beyond comprehension and description.

Gerald said...

capt, the article, DU - Far Worse Than 9/11, is a great read.

Gerald said...

'I'm the President!'
June 1, 2007 - 7:15am.
Bush's growing madness shocks even his friends


President George W. Bush's paranoid megalomania is so rampant that close friends and supporters worry about the man's sanity and fear he has lost his tenuous grip on reality.

Bush, whose arrogant stubbornness knows no bounds, is so wrapped up in his obsession with being President and "commander-in-chief" that his behavior shocks his most ardent supporters.

Writes syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer:

Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated "I am the president!" He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could not get out of "our country's destiny."

Arnaud de Borchgrave, the rabid Bush supporter who edits the right-wing Washington Times and runs what is left of United Press International, also reports on the meeting:

The self-described "Decider" is the antithesis of self-doubt. Like an old seadog, he relishes the idea of plowing into rough seas.

When a recent visitor asked him what assurance he could give about his successor in 2009, President Bush replied, "we'll fix it so he'll be locked in." The visitor left perplexed and wondered whether that might mean the U.S. would be in a wider war in the region by then. In any event, it didn't sound like twilight time for Mr. Bush.

A Texan friend of longstanding called on him recently and confided to his Washington hosts that Mr. Bush had said three times, bringing a clenched fist to his chest, "I'm the president." Reminding visiting political opponents of this would be normal, but the close friend said he was a taken aback a bit as he had never before seen Mr. Bush in this mode.

What these close friends see is a madman on the edge, a delusional paranoid whose brain is fried by too many years of hard drinking and probably too much cocaine up his nose.

Compared to Bush, Richard M. Nixon appears sane and stone cold sober. Hell, history will probably cast legendary drunk Ulysses S. Grant as a President more in control of himself.

Not only is he wrapped up in the aura of "I'm the President," but he is now determined that anyone who follows him will have to live with his legacy of lies, deceit and despair - his failed war in Iraq, his cancer on "our country's destiny."

The fate of this nation - and indeed the fate of the world - may well depend on the deranged mind of a truly insane President of the United States.

Gerald said...

The fate of this nation - and indeed the fate of the world - may well depend on the deranged mind of a truly insane President of the United States.