White Men Can't Jump
Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, whose at the front of the back-of-the-pack cluster of GOP presidential contenders, has declared today "Vertical Day." What does that mean. I'll let him explain:
Everywhere I go on the campaign trail I meet folks with a real thirst for a healthy discussion of the issues. Ultimately, people don't care about whether an issue comes from the left or the right, what they want hear about is an idea thatlifts America up and makes us better. It's what I call Vertical Politics.
Vertical Day is our way of sharing with voters our ideas, our hopes for America and the challenges facing us. We will answer some of your questions, hear from some of our friends, promote my positions on the issues through video and personal blogs of mine and try some fun things online.
Promote his positions? Sounds like everyday is "Vertical Day" in Hucakbeeland.
Posted by David Corn at September 25, 2007 12:08 PM
Just as I was going to comment on Iran's president another thread is posted. Well, I will first start with Iran's president and his visit to Columbia. His visit to Columbia is what separates our country from some other countries, at least for now. Shortly, we will be enslaved by the Nazi reich and no one will be able to visit and share ideas.
For now only America can handle diverse opinions from Iran's leader. This is why we differ from the Islamic world. They are a fearful bunch who cannot be chalennged that is why if you are Muslim and you convert to another religion, you are targeted for death.
If I am not mistaken, Lee Bollinger was president at Michigan. He was a joke here and he is a joke at Columbia. His introduction to Columbia's guest is a case in point.
Huckabee wants to have a true dialogue of ideas. Please don't fall for the Nazi Party's spin to reinvent themselves as murderers and war criminals to honorable men. There is no honor among thieves.
Challenged is the correct spelling.
A Powerful Speech from one of my Foxes at a Jewish Synagogue
The problems are daunting, but the solutions are simple.
First of all, do not allow our children to be consumed by the military industrial complex so the war profiteers can be enriched. This is the biggest sin of my life that I will be atoning for until I die. To do this, we must repeal the No Child Left Behind Act and make education good and free for all from Kindergarten to University.
Secondly, we must repeal all free trade agreements that oppress the citizens of all countries. We must ensure that worker safety and pay are commensurate and fair wherever our corporations do business.
Thirdly, all US military bases all over the world and occupying forces must be withdrawn and brought home to the US. We have over 800 military bases all over the world, mostly with the consent of the governments, but under strong protestation of civil society.
We must demand that the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan be brought to a swift and safe close and the mercenary soldiers and other US war profiteers be expelled from these countries so the citizens in those two countries can reclaim their jobs and their lives.
We must apologize to the world for our creeping corporate military imperialism and for our mistake of historic and horrific proportions in Iraq and Afghanistan and we must make atonement to those people in the form of reparations and any other kind of material, diplomatic or political help they need.
All torture camps must be closed and reparations should be made to the innocent and fair trials and due process should be given to others.
Our liberties must be restored at home by repealing the Military Commissions Act, The Patriot Act, and the abuse of FISA laws and the right to Habeas Corpus must be restored. We must recognize the latent racism that still exists as evidenced by Katrina and Jena, we must face that fact that we still do not have true-equality and battle to reform our own hearts and national attitudes.
To show our brothers and sisters that we care about them and justice, George Bush and Dick Cheney must be forced to withstand the constitutional remedy to such blatant abuse of office by impeachment and they must be tried in the Senate for their high crimes and misdemeanors and then be tried in international courts for their crimes against humanity.
Then when America is restored to the moral authority of a strong nation that uses its power for peace and not constant war-making we can help in other war-torn places and challenge other regimes that commit human rights' violations.
It is urgent for the sake of my children and unborn grandchildren, your children and grandchildren, and all of our children all over the planet Earth. that we lead our world to peace and environmental sustainability and not continue to drag everyone down with us in our greed and arrogance. I am positive that we can do this, but only when we recognize our individual and collective failings and work diligently to overcome them. Not only for our own souls, but for the one soul that binds all of us together as one.
There is much to atone for today, but the biggest thing I think we all must atone for is believing that we have nothing to atone for.
Pop Quiz
A Palestinian friend and peacemaker
Nazi Israel is in the middle of a holocaust against the Lebanese and Palestinians. Yes, Nazi Israel learned her lessons well from her mentor, Nazi Germany. Nazi Israel is a nation of mass murderers and war criminals. Nazi Israel is a provokateer against the peace process in the Middle East.
United States of Evil is an infantile nation
New Thread
Whatever Happened to “Uncle Sam Wants You”?
by Michael Nolan, September 14, 2007
If the war in Iraq is worth fighting, then why doesn’t George Bush, commander-in-chief of an army stretched so thin by the Iraq catastrophe that Colin Powell has labeled it “broken,” just look the people in the eye and say “Uncle Sam Wants You?” Think about it: Those who support global, perpetual war — from Dick Cheney to Joe Lieberman to Rush Limbaugh — never ask the ersatz patriots who support them to join up or shut up. Despite recruitment shortfalls, deployment extensions that push troops beyond human limit, and a re-set of the war’s projected length, from cakewalk to forever, the American Empire's politicians and pundits never ask for volunteers. In the modern U.S. Empire, the war's planners, supporters, and profiteers (and progeny thereof) are not expected to serve.
In June, 2005, I wrote a piece for Common Dreams that made the following observation:
Certainly, there's no shortage of passion on the pro-war side. No less an authority on good and evil than Fox News Network's Sean Hannity informs us on page 6 of his book Deliver Us from Evil: Defeating Terrorism, Despotism and Liberalism, “[The] threat they [the terrorists] represent is every bit as grave as the one we experienced during WW II.” Hannity is fond of playing the World War II card to contrast the bravery of kids who marched en masse down to the recruiter on Dec. 8, 1941, with those despicable young antiwar liberals today. But instead of whining about liberals, why doesn't Hannity use his bilious pulpit to ask like-minded Americans to perform their “patriotic” duty?
The FBI labels increased gang activity in the ranks as a threat to national security. If that’s the case, why doesn’t Bush call on those who are bravely supporting the war from afar with the exhortation, “America needs its best and brightest and most patriotic in the military. Uncle Sam Wants You! Right now!” Surely they wouldn’t say no to the president, would they?
The face of Matthew Continetti is the face of the American Empire. Continetti is a staff writer for the bellicose Weekly Standard, and, as such, a relentless young cheerleader for the Iraq war. Yet this twenty-something dismisses with an effete and arrogant shrug of his shoulders any suggestion that he should serve in a war that he and fellow chickenhawks have done so much to sell to the American people. Fair warning to patriotic Americans: This three-minute Youtube clip will make your flesh crawl.
Jonah Goldberg is of military age, though, like Continetti, not of military inclination. From the safety of his perch at National Review Online, Goldberg declares himself an admirer of what he calls the “Ledeen Doctrine,” which, as articulated by American Enterprise Institute scholar Michael Ledeen, affirms that “every ten years or so, the United States needs to pick up some small crappy little country and throw it against the wall, just to show the world we mean business.” The putrefying morality and obscene bullying manifest in Continetti, Goldberg, and Ledeen are not eccentricities in neocon nation but, rather, the very soul of neocon nation. Ledeen’s American Enterprise Institute, after all, earned congratulations from Bush as the place where “some of the finest minds in our nation are at work on some of the greatest challenges to our nation.”
In the highly probable event that America launches an aerial attack on Iran, the not-insubstantial Iranian army will move rapidly into Iraq bent on the slaughter of American troops. College Republicans and other young, “patriotic” pro-imperial supporters should make this their Teddy Roosevelt moment and leave for basic training now, that they might be ready to really support the troops — not with yellow ribbons this time, but with risk to their own lives.
The rest of young and hale America can best defend their homeland, their families, and the U.S. Constitution, not by kicking in the doors of brutalized Iraqis (and engendering a hatred of Uncle Sam that begs for terrorist retaliation here at home), but by refusing to serve in imperial war.
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